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Philips Heartstart MRx Defibrillator

  • $ 9,990.00

Philips HeartStart MRx Desfibrilador Condición REFURBISEHD

Designed for emergency medical services and lifeguards
The defibrillator / monitor HeartStart MRx combines the technology leader in the industry with more monitoring Phillips © all higher medici³n and our patented wave bif¡sica œSMART resucitaci³n € "in one device, lightweight and carefully design ± ado.

The defibrillator / monitor offers many advantages HeartStart of great importance to the m © Physicians emergency services. The device has the largest autonomous operating a battery, the color display ± or larger in size, and less time charging all monitors / defibrillators.

The HeartStart MRx has a variety of ways to take measurements with different types of therapies and features dem¡s. All this, combined with its compact size ± o, a balanced and low weight (5.98 kg) make the HeartStart MRx is f¡cil to carry, store and, above all, f¡cil use.


The first device medici³n CPR and control integrated into a monitor / defibrillator SVA
Controls and ports carefully organized to clearly separate the functions of monitoring the therapeutic
Monitoring starts when the patient is connected to the device via cable
The informaci³n monitoring and therapy est¡ l³gicamente clear and neat on the screen
Measurements num © rich oversized ± or, gr¡ficos waves, and alarms, allow the user to quickly locate the informaci³n
The appearance of measurements and can be customized gr¡ficos wave can organize and display the user's taste As defined in EU
Menºes simplify the navigation instructions on the screen to change the settings, to set and respond to alarms, and to access additional functions
Monitoring capability

Medici³n and control technology of Q-CPR "¢ (optional)
Monitoring trav © s of the contact pads
ECG monitoring channels 3 and -5 by electrodes
Arrhythmia detector ST / AR Basic "¢
FAST-SpO2 (Technology of artifacts supresi³n Fourier) (optional)
Medici³n of presi³n noninvasive sangunea (PNI) (optional)
Microstream® Capnografa (deCO2) (optional)
12-channel ECG (optional)

Wave bif¡sica € œSMART "
Manual mode with shock administraci³n to trav © s of paddles or pads desfibrilaci³n
DESA mode
Synchronized cardioversion
Noninvasive pacing (optional)

Adjustable size ± or ECG and gain regulaci³n autom¡tica
Screen 8.4 inch (diagonal), and 4 colors. The largest of its kind m¡s
Data Trasmisi³n 12-Channel, optional
Recolecci³n data and summary of events
Printer squared paper strips
Self-operating diagn³sticos
Operational checks
Individually adjustable volume of QRS BPER, voice alarms and alerts
Lithium-Ion battery (2 bays) with charge gauge
AC transformer
€ indicator œListo-to-Use "
Mode configuraci³n
Mode diagn³stico
Case for transport you (optional)
Hook bed
Optional transformers for AC and DC
Optional support for mounting in ambulances
The first device medici³n CPR and control integrated into a monitor / defibrillator SVA
To help care for CPR quality services, we have added a device and integrated control medici³n our defibrillator / monitor Philips HeartStart MRx. This ºnica tool in its class technologies developed by Laerdal Q-CPR "¢, offers objective measurement and corrective control over the depth and pace of compressions, as well as the volume and pace of ventilaci³n. Q-CPR reinforces CPR training with each use.